There are 4 approaches to playing MUDs. The 4 approaches arise from the inter relationship of 2 dimensions of a certain playing style: World Oriented versus Player Oriented.
Achievers are players that focus on completing a game as quickly and efficiently as possible. Achievers think of getting points and going up in levels as their main goal. The look to improve their character and look to complete personal task/goals they set themselves. Achievers are very competitive so the way in which they play their games is what they think that is the correct way in playing the game. Achievers are compared to Diamonds.
Explores tend to want to find out as much of the game they are playing as possible. Explores like to push games to their limits by finding things that are wrong with it like bugs and glitches and making use of the space that is available. Explorers are Spades.
Socialisers care more about communicating with other players then playing the game itself. They use the games communicative facilities as there way of talking with other playing playing the game. For socialisers killing is something that is only ever to be excused if it’s futile, it’s normally done as an act of revenge, or even for pain caused to a friend. Socialisers are Hearts.
There are players that use the games assets to cause a nuisance to other players. There player do their best to cause distress to all the other players playing the game by either killing them or just annoying them in general. The more of an annoyance that they are the more joy they get. These players are Clubs
Achievers: Acting on the world, point of playing is to master the game. Make it do what you want it to do.
Explorers: Interacting with the world, sense of wonder of the virtual world.
Socialisers: Interacting with other players involves talking but could also lead to exotic behaviour. Understanding other players
Killers: What else but kill other players?

From covering this reading, it shows that there are 4 strong types of player characters in the gaming world, yet game are NOT limited to only these 4 types of players.
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