Thursday, 13 October 2011

Games Britannia Part One: Dicing with Destiny

In Eddies lesson we watch the first part of 3 on Games Britannia, here are the notes I took from watching Dicing with Destiny.

·        Games aren’t just fun they are fundamental
·        Roman Board game found in Colchester Quarry. ”Stanway Game”. The grace contained a board game with the glass counters laid out as if in play, it is believed to be 55 cm bt 40 cm and rectangle with play over a board of 8x12 squares.
·        “Alea Evangelli” – Game could be symbolic about the bible good/evil.
·        “9 Mans Morris” – a version of O’s and X’s can be found anywhere and played everywhere.
·        “Hazard” – Players gamble on the outcome of the throw of the dices and the stakes get higher every time, gambling more on every throw of the dice.
·        “Faro” – Pure game of chance, players put money on cards they want to win then dealer turns cards to see if there are matches and if there is any winning cards.
·        “Guan Chopper” – This if the first version of snakes and ladders which this game influenced the basis of snakes and ladders. The first British version of snakes and ladders the board was circular
·        “Chess” – Originated in the 8th Century, Chess is a game of war, The chess pieces could possibly represent the army with all different positions in the army represented by different pieces and chess is associated with intelligence 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patricio,

    While it's good to see another post in your blog, there are still a lot of gaps. I've posted a list of blog topics for Critical Games Studies in the module area of the Wolsey VLE which you can use as a checklist in order to ensure that you have got all the key topics covered when you update your blog.
